Some of my clients have experienced the Biomat in their sessions & the feedback has been great. They feel better physically & have felt their session have taken them deeper...where they wanted to go.
The Biomat (AN FDA MEDICAL DEVICE) has a variety of beneficial components:
FAR INFRARED RAYS (FIR) - Nature’s Healing Light
NEGATIVE IONS - Nature’s Energizer
AMETHYST CRYSTALS~ Nature’s Super Conductor
FAR INFRARED RAYS (FIR) - Nature’s Healing Light
Far Infrared Therapy (FIR) which is heat & light therapy that helps the body’s physiological state. Although the wavelengths of FIR are too long for the eyes to perceive, we can experience its energy as gentle, radiant heat, which penetrates deep beneath the skin.
The BioMat uses far infrared heat rays that penetrate 6-8 in into the human body-80 x's deeper than other forms of heat. According to NASA scientists, among the energy spectrum coming from the sun, FIR waves are the safest & most beneficial electromagnetic energy for the human body. These rays not only benefit the skin & muscle tissue on the surface of the body, but penetrate deeply with a uniform heat that directly & positively affects all metabolic and cellular functions, including the lymph glands, blood vessels, nerves & key organs.
Some Benefits of FIR:
*Detoxes the body and improves lymph circulation.
*Increases blood circulation, delivering oxygen & nutrients in the blood.
*Strengthens white blood cell function, increasing immune response.
*Deeply penetrates muscles & body, healing from the inside out.
*Creates Delta brainwave state that promotes deep relaxation & sleep.
*Relieves neuralgia, backaches & arthritis.
*Increases metabolism & burns calories, helping to facilitate weight loss.
*Promotes the body’s healing & rejuvenation
NEGATIVE IONS - Nature’s Energizer
Researchers have found that our health is dependent on the amount and quality of ions in the air. Negative ions make us feel good; they are abundant at the ocean, in the mountains, forests, rivers and when it rains. Positive ions make us feel sluggish & lethargic.
Since most of us are affected by indoor environments, cars, exposure to electronic devices, EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and environmental pollution, we have increased positive ions in our body.
This results in a physiological imbalance which may have detrimental health consequences. Too few negative ions in the body may contribute to a number of physiological dysfunctions or deficiencies such as allergies, joint pain, nerve issues, kidney problems, fatgue and sleep challenges.
The BioMat emits negative ions and transforms positive ions to negative ions in the human body. These negative ions go from the BioMat directly into the body through the skin’s surface. This acNon accelerates and deepens all healing and cleansing processes.
Benefits of Negative Ions:
*Supports the body’s natural electric system for proper cellular communication and whole body functionality.
*Releases free radicals.
*Decreases acidity, balancing the pH. When negative ions are applied to the body, the minerals circulating in the blood are ionized. This has an overall alkalizing effect on the body.
*Purifies the blood and supports all detoxification pathways of the body.
*Increases oxygen to the brain for higher alertness & mental energy.
*Helps to relieve insomnia, stiffness & chronic constipation.
*Strengthens immune function
*Relieves pain
*Elevates mood
*Enhances the body’s ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients
*Helps alleviate allergies, migraines and sinus problems
*Purifies the air and surroundings, relieving asthma symptoms
AMETHYST CRYSTALS - Nature’s Super Conductor
Scientists have experimented passing far infrared light through a variety of substances, including various gems, glasses and plastics. Amethyst was the only substance which clearly changed the spectrum of infrared light. FIR refracted through amethyst crystals organizes the FIR into geometrical patterns for higher bio-compatibility.
Far infrared heat and negative ions are transferred through amethyst crystals that cover the entire professional BioMat’s surface. Amethyst has been scientifically found to offer the steadiest, most powerful delivery of far infrared light waves and the highest vibrational frequencies into the body.
Benefits of Amethyst:
*Where toxins are accumulated, blood circulation is blocked and cellular energy flow is impaired. Amethyst is a powerful detox as it clears certain types of blockages and aligns the chakras, carrying energy freely through the bloodstream.
*Amethyst has been called “nature’s tranquilizer.” It relaxes the mind, reduces negativity, alleviates anxiety, and calms the nervous system.
*Amethyst is a helpful aid in meditation and transforms lower energies into higher consciousness. It has the capability to balance and stabilize energies.
*Alleviates stress caused by unfocused, scattered thought and assists in overcoming addictions and blockages.
*Promotes the use of clear thinking with spiritual insight, allowing us to make decisions, achieve goals and heal.
*Opens us to the higher realms of divine love, encouraging selflessness and wisdom.
*Helps link the physical, emotional, and mental bodies with the spiritual.
*Cleanses the aura and helps to bring balance and a sense of spiritual connectedness.
Contact me to set up your session soon!